IX History History Ch-3 Nazism and Rise of Hitler


                                                             IX   History  Ch-2                                     

   Nazism and Rise of Hitler

 Topic: The ideology of Nazism


Meaning – it refers to the ideas and principles of National  Socialist workers party under Adolf Hitler.


*Nazism glorified the state nation and war

*It did not believe in equality . it believed in racial hierarchy. In this view white blue eyed Nordic Aryans were at the top and Jews were located at the lowest . They were as regarded as anti racial.

*All other coloured people were placed in between depending on their features. Nazi wanted to eliminate everyone who was not Nazi .

*Nazism was an aggressive form of nationalism they opposed democracy communism and internationalism

*It believed in national expansion (Lebensraum or living space) It was the geopolitical concept of Hitler’s  ideology. He believed that new territories had to be acquired for settlement.

It would enhance the area of mother country and enable the settlers on new lands to retain an intimate link with the place of origin. It would also enhance the material resources.

*It believed in  totalitarian theory  .It means the state was all powerful. Freedom of speech and association was abolished media , press, schools, universities everything was under the control of the Nazi state .

*Nazis used the ideas of Charles Darwin and Harbert Spencer .Both scientist explained the concept of evolution and natural selection


Topic: The ideology of Nazism –II


*Nazis used the ideas of Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer.

Both scientist explained the concept of evolution and natural selection.


Theory of Herbert Spencer


Nazi ideology was strongly influenced by Herbert Spencer

Herbert Spencer propounded (put forward ) the idea of survival of the fittest in his book Principles of biology


According to this idea only those species survived on the earth that could adapt them to the changing conditions

This theory was used by the raciest to justify the Nazi argument .

 according to it only the strongest Aryan race would survive and weak ones would perish .



Theory of Charles Darwin

Darwin developed the theory of biological evolution

In his   book On the origin of species in 1859 he stated organisms evolved through the process of natural selection often known as survival of the fittest which is against the bible’s notion of creation.

Using these ideas Nazis justified Holocaust and killed around six million Jews.

Nazis viewed these non Aryans as subhumans and unfit for survival.


Topic: Nazi Society

Role of women in Nazi society

*In Nazi society women were different than men.

According to Nazism the democratic idea of equal rights for men and women was wrong and would destroy society

*The principal role assigned to women was to become good mothers and give birth to pure blooded Aryan children. They were motivated for this.

*Their main duty was to maintain the purity of race.

*They were expected to look after their homes and teach children Nazi values.

*Hitler said, ‘‘In my state the mother is the most important citizen.’’

But in Nazi Germany all mothers were not treated equally.


Nazi cult of motherhood


*In Nazi Germany all mothers were not treated equally.

*Women who bore racially undesirable children were punished.

Those who gave birth to desirable children were awarded.

*Honour cross were awarded to  Aryan mothers bronze cross was given for four children silver for six and gold for eight or more children to encourage women to produce more Aryan children





Nazi policy towards youth


*Hitler was interested in youths. He felt that strong Nazi society could be established by teaching children Nazi Ideology.

*Youth organization were made responsible for educating German youths in the sprit of national socialism ten years old had to enter in jungvolk the Nazi youth group. German youut

Jungvolk- Nazi youth groups for children below 14 years of age.1928 est

Hitler youth -At 14 all boys had to join Nazi youth organization called Hitler youth

*There they learnt to worship war, glorify aggression and violence hate Jews, communist and gypsies .

*They joined the Labour Service at 18.


Nazi policy towards school


*All schools were cleansed and purified.

Jews teachers were dismissed

*Children were segregated undesirable children i.e. Jews, physically handicapped , gypsies were thrown out of the school .

*Finally in 1940 they were taken to the gas chambers

*Racial Science In Nazi schools books were rewritten .

*Racial science was introduced to justify the Nazi ideas about the race.

* Stereotypes about Jews were popularized even through maths classes

Sprit of loyalty and violence

*Children were taught to be loyal , submissive, hate Jews and worship Hitler

*Sports training was given to develop violence among the desirable children

*Hitler believed that boxing could make children iron hearted strong and masculine.


Racial policy of Hitler

How Nazis established the racial state?


*Nazis eliminated  all those who were seen as undesirable.

*Nazis only wanted a society of pure blooded Nordic Aryans.

They were alone considered desirable.

*Only they were seen as a worthy of propertying and multiplying.

*Hitler ordered to eliminate unhealthy and abnormal Aryans under his racial policy .

*Jews Gypsies and blacks were considered as racially inferior, who were persecuted and killed.

From 1933 to 1938 Jews were killed in concentration camps in large numbers

*Even Russians and poles were considered sub humans.

 *When Germany occupied Poland and parts of Russia, captured civilians who were forced to work as slave. Many of them died of starvation and hard work.

* Jews remained the worst suffered in Nazi Germany.

The hatred of Jews had a precurson in the traditional Christian hostility towards Jews .

*They have been stereotyped as killers of Christ.

* They were depicted with flowing beards and wearing kaftans.


Nazi propaganda of creating hatred for Jews


The Nazis used language and media with care against Jews . the Nazi ideas were spread through visual images , films, films, radio, posters, 

* Code language various code words were used to eliminate the Jews and to protect the Nazi Government from the world reaction.

* Mass killings were termed “special treatment”, “euthanasia”, “selection” and “disinfection”.

*Media was carefully used to gain support and popularize it worldwide.

*Socialists and liberals were represented as weak and degenerate.

*Propaganda films were made to create hatred. They were shown with flowing beards, wearing raftan whereas in reality it was difficult to distinguish German Jews by their appearance.


* Jews  were stereotyped  as vermin, rats as pests.

* Their movements were compared to those of rodents.

*Nazism worked on the minds of the people  they trapped and turned  their emotions into hatred and anger against undesirable.


Nazi policy towards poles


*Polish were forced to leave their homes and properties

*They were treated like cattle in Nazi Germany

*They were categorized as undesirable 

*Intellectual polish were murdered in large numbers

*Polish children who looked like Aryans were forcibly snatched from their mothers and were trained as Nazi youths.



1.    Explain the racial policy of Hitler or the Nazis 11

2.    Describe the ideology of racial hierarchy that was promoted by Hitler in Germany under the Nazi ideology 10,11

3.    Describe briefly the crimes against humanity carried out by the Nazis 2013 (Racial Policy, School Policy )

4.    Nazism reflects ugly face of humanity. state three arguments in support of the statement 2015

5.    Explain Hitler’s or Nazi’s policy towards jews 10,12

6.    Who were considered as undesirable by the nazi and why ?2011


Use of media

7.    Explain   the Nazi or Hitler’s art of propaganda

8.    How did Nazi in Germany use media to propagate their thoughts against Jews 2010, 12

9.    Explain Hitler’s foreign policy 2010,10

10. Explain any five features of Hitler’s policy towards the Polish under his rule

11. What were the ideas of Darwin and Herbert Spencer adopted by Hitler or Nazi 2012


Topic: Political system before Hitler.


Birth of  Weimar Republic


*Germany was a powerful empire that fought the First World War.

*The war ended with defeat and the imperial dynasty came to an end.

*A National Assembly met at Weimer and established a democratic constitution

 with a federal Structure in  Germany .

*Members were elected to the German parliament called Reichstag on the basis of universal adult franchise.

*Many Germans held the new Weimer Republic responsible for not only the defeat in the war but for the disgrace at Versailles. This republic was  forced to pay compensation.


Treaty of Versailles (provisions / effects)

The treaty of Versailles was harsh and humiliating one. It was the root cause of rise of Hitler in Germany and the second world war  it ’s provisions (effects ) were:-

1.Germany lost its overseas colonies, a tenth of its   population,13 percent of its territories,

75 percent of its iron and 26 percent of its coal to France, Poland,  Denmark and Lithuania.

2. The allied powers demilitarized Germany to weaken its power.

3.Germany was forced to pay compensation of the damages amounting to £6 billion.

4.The allied armies also occupied the resource rich Rhineland

Many Germans held the new Weimar republic responsible for not only the  defeat but the disgrace at Versailles.


Defects of Weimar constitution

(Problems faced by Weimar republic)


Weimar constitution had some inherent defects which made it unstable and vulnerable to dictatorship.

1. Its proportional representation  made achieving a majority by any one party, a nearly impossible task, leading to a rule by coalitions.

2.The article 48 which gave the president the powers to impose emergency suspend civil rights and rule by decree.

3. Within a short period of time many governments changed ,people lost their confidence in the democratic parliamentary system

4.Because of the treaty and Versailles Germany had to pay large amounts of money for the damages caused to the allied powers. It also had to pay huge sums of loans taken to fight the war which was taking away all of German’s gold reserves.

5.Because of the govt. was very unstable, emergency was imposed a number of times so people had lost their confidence in the democratic parliamentary systems.

November criminals


*Socialists, Catholics and democrats  in German parliament became easy targets of attack in the conservative nationalist circles .

They were mockingly called “November criminals”

Topic: German Economy before Hitler.


Hyperinflation of 1923


*Hyperinflation, is a situation when prices rise phenomenally high.

* As the value of the mark collapsed, prices of goods soared.

Germany fell into hyperinflation.





*War loans : Germany had fought the war largely on loans and had to pay war reparations in gold.

This depleted gold reserves at a time resources were scarce.

*French occupied Ruhr : In 1923 Germany refused to pay  war compensation and the French occupied Ruhr, to claim their coal.

*Reckless printing of currency :Germany retaliated with passive resistance and printed paper currency recklessly.

With too much printed money in circulation the value of the German mark fell. In April the US dollar was equal to 24,000 marks, in July 353,000 marks and at 98,860,000 marks by December, the figure had run into trillions.


Impact : industrial production declined

*6 million people lost their jobs

the value of the marks collapsed, prices of goods soared.

Inflation rate was very high


*Great depression**(project work )


Effects of great depression on Germany

The economic effects of depression on Germany were:-


*During great depression factories were shut down, exports fell, farmers were badly hit and speculators withdrew their money from the market.

*The effects of this recession in US economy were felt worldwide.

*production declined By 1932 industrial production was reduced to 40% of the 1929 level.

*Workers lost their job or were paid reduced wages.

*The no. of unemployed touched and unprecedented 6 million on the streets of Germany. Unemployed people wore   play cards around their necks saying “willing do any work”.

*Unemployed played cards or sat at streets or desperately qued up at the unemployment exchange.





*As jobs disappeared, youth took to criminal activities and total despair become commonplace.

*The economic crisis created deep anxieties and faces in people.

*The middle class salaried employees and pensioners saw their savings diminish when the currency lost  it’s value.

*Small businessman, self employed retailers suffered as their business got ruined.

*They were with the fear of protectarisation , an anxiety of being reduced to the ranks of the unemployed.

*Only organized workers could manage to keep their heads above water but unemployment weakened their bargaining powers. Big businessmen were in crisis.

*Farmers were affected by a sharp fall in agricultural  prices and women unable to fill their children’s stomachs were filled with a sense of deep despair.


Reconstruction policy of Hitler


1.Economist Hjalmar Schacht was given the responsibility of economic recovery This was to be done through a state funded work creation programme.

He aimed at full production in Germany .

2.Hitler pulled out of the League of Nations in 1933, he reoccupied the Rhineland in 1936 and integrated Austria and Germany in 1938 under the slogan : One people, One empire, One leader .He then took Sudenten land from Czechoslovakia. Hitler had the unspoken support of England.

3. Hitler believed that resources should be accumulated through the expansion of territory.

+ foreign policy points


Topic: Dictatorship in Germany


Popularity of Nazism


*Nazi party-German worker’s party was a small group and was joined by Adolph Hitler in 1919.

*He subsequently took over the organization and renamed it as the National socialist German worker’s party or Nazi party.




Hitler was born on 20th april 1889 in Braunau am Inn , Austria – Hungry

The crisis in the economy, polity and society formed the background of Hitler’s rise to power.

*Hitler spent his youth in poverty.






The German defeat horrified him and the Versailles Treaty made him furious (1st reason).

*In 1919, he joined a small group called the German Workers’ Party.

*He subsequently took over the organisation and renamed it the Nationalist Socialist German Workers’ Party. This party came to be known as the Nazi Party. *Hitler assured the Germans about the establishment of the old prestige.


Popularity of Nazism


 It was during the great depression that Nazism became a mass movement.

*Banks collapsed, businesses shut down, workers lost their jobs. In such a Situation Nazi propaganda stirred hopes of a better future.

* Hitler was a powerful speaker.

* He advised a new style of politics. He understood the significance of rituals mass mobilization.

*He held massive rallies and public meetings His passion and  words move people.

 *He  promised to build a strong nation undo the justice if Versailles treaty and restore dignity of German people

* He promised  employment for those looking for work and a secure future for the youth.

* He promised to weed      out   all foreign influences and resist foreign conspiracies against Germany .


Destruction of democracy


*After assuming power on 30th January 1933, Hitler set out to dismantle the structure of democratic rule.

*The fire Decree :suspension of all rights 

*The Fire decree of 28th February 1933 indefinitely suspended civic rights like freedom of speech, press and assembly that had been guaranteed by the Weimar constitution.

Enabling act


*On 3rd March 1933, the famous Enabling Act was passed. Enabling act established the dictatorship in Germany .It gave all the powers to Hitler . This Act established dictatorship in Germany . He sidelined the German parliament.

Single party system : All political parties of Germany and trade unions were banned except for the Nazi party and its affiliates. The repression of the Jews and Communists was severe. He ordered to put all the communist and their supporters in the concentration camps .The state established complete control over the economy, media, army and judiciary.

Total control :

Hitler created special surveillance and security forces

Like1. criminal   police 2 – security service (SD)

3- storm troopers 4- Gestapo (secret state police )

extra-constitutional powers were given to these newly constructed forces .



Topic: Worksheet

1.    First World War left a deep impact(imprint ) on the European society and polity elaborate the given statement .12

2.    The first world war had a devastating impact on the entire European continent both psychologically and financially . Explain .suggest any two ways to protect the world from another war 2012


        Birth of Weimar republic


3.    How was the Weimar Republic born in Germany? Explain. 2010 , 11


  Defects / weakness /problems of Weimar republic


4.    State three reasons responsible for the failure of Weimar republic. 2014

5.    State any three weaknesses of Weimar republic .2012

6.    State any three factors which made the Weimar republic politically fragile . 2011 , 12

7.    State any three reasons for the unpopularity of Weimar republic set up in Germany  after the first worl war 12

8.    Describe any three defects in the Weimar constitution that made it vulnerable to dictatorship?12

9.    Examine two inherent defects in the Weimar constitution 2010


    Treaty of Versailles (provisions / effects)


10. Describe any three conditions of the treaty of Versailles 2013

11. Explain any three effects of the treaty of Versailles 12 , 13

12. Mention any three factors which contributed to the economic crisis faced by Weimar Republic in 1923.  2012

13. Mention four major terms of the treaty of Versailles.11

14. The treaty of Versailles was harsh and humiliating justify by giving four terms of treaty10,11 12,14

15. Describe any five consequences of defeat of Germany at the hands of Allies in the First World war 15


Hyperinflation of 1923


16. Why did Germany suffer from ‘‘Hyperinflation" in 1923? Who bailed her out from this situation? 2010

17. What were the major factors responsible for economic crisis in Germany during 1920’s ?

18. Mention any three factors which contributed to the economic crisis faced by Weimar Republic in 1923 .2003

19. Explain the circumstances which led to hyperinflation in Germany 2013, 14



20. Describe the impact of hyperinflation of 1923 on Germany 2015

21. Explain the impact on Germany of her refusal to pay war compensation in 1923


     Economic effects of great depression on Germany


22. What was the impact of great economic crisis on the economy of Germany ?Explain 12

23. Explain the impact of great economic depression on Germany 10,11,12,13

24. How was great economic depression responsible fe the rise of Nazism ?

25. How did the great economic depression of 1929 affect the life of the people of Germany / Explain 11


26. When was Hitler born? 2014

27. Explain briefly the theory of Herbert Spencer used by Hitler .2013

28. Why was the Nazi propaganda effective in creating hatred for German Jews ?2012

29. Explain any three ways by which Nazis established the racial state . 2012

30. Discuss why Nazism became popular in Germany by 1930?


Reconstruction policy of Hitler



31. Who was assigned the responsibility of economic recovery by the Hitler ?

32. What steps were taken by Hitler to reconstruct Germany ?12,13.14

33. How did Hitler reconstruct the Germany ?

34.  Explain any five features of political policy adopted by Hitler after coming to power in 1933. 5marks

List the communities which were classified as undesirable in Nazi Germany.






                                                   *********Chapter Over ***********








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