Geography Ch-1 Resources Notes


Geography Ch-1
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Resource: Meaning 

*Anything that can satisfy our needs is called resource.

Water quenches our thirst, electric bulb gives us light ,we cultivate crops in soil. Soil water electric bulb satisfy our needs so these are resources.

*Resource are useful substances as they have utility and value.

*Utility and value makes anything resource .

*Utility means usefulness. It means satisfaction that someone gets from consuming goods .

*Value means worth.  Resources may have economic value, social or aesthetic value.

*Time and technology are two important factors that can change substances into resources.

 Eg. Land, soil, water, silicon, gold and silver all are useful as they all satisfy our various needs. These all are economically valuable, so these all are resources.

*Resources are compulsory for human survival and development.

Classification of resources

Resources are classified into three types



*Human made resources

Natural resources

*All resources that are obtained from the nature

*These are the free gifts of nature. Ex. Fish, water

Human resource 

*People who create the valuable resources from the nature. human resource include quantity and quality of human beings.

People themselves are the  most important resource. It is their ideas, knowledge,  inventions and discoveries that lead to the creation of  more resources. Ex. Fire , wheel


*Human resource can make the best use of natural resources . human resource use their knowledge and skills to convert natural resources into valuable resources.


#Man made resources


Resources that are created by the humans from the nature .

By using their knowledge and skills humans modify the natural resources and convert them into

 man made resource . Ex. Books , Computers

Types of natural resources


Natural resources can be classified in the following ways:


(a)  On the basis of origin:

(i) Biotic                                                  

(ii) Abiotic

(b)  On the basis of exhaustibility(Stock ):

(i) Renewable                                       

(ii) Non-renewable

(c)  On the basis of Distribution:

(i) Ubiquitous                                             

(ii)  Localised resources     

(d)  On the basis of status of development:

(i) Potential                                                  

(ii) Actual     


# Origin

On the basis of the origin resources can be

Biotic and Abiotic


 Resources that are obtained from the living things .

These are also called living resources because these resources are obtained from living being.

*Some of these resources are renewable.

*Eg. Fish, human, tree , birds , animals.

Abiotic –

*Resources that are obtained from non living things .

*They are also known as inorganic resources.

*They occur as solid, liquid or gaseous materials on the earth and in its atmosphere.

*Most of them are non- renewable but some are recycled.

Eg: rocks , air, water , land or soil.

Types of natural resources


On the basis of the development resources can be actual & potential

*Actual resources

*resources that are in use whose quantity and quality are properly known at present

*We have knowledge and skills to utilize these resources.

*These resources are also called developed resources 


*Potential Resources

* Resources which are not developed yet due to lack of technology.

*Human beings do not have the appropriate technology to access these resources.

*These can be used in future .we don’t know the quantity and quality of these resources.

*They are either not easily accessible or not properly developed for present use

*Ex- Producing hydrogen fuel from sea water

*Potential of wind and solar energy in Rajasthan


* On the basis of the distribution resources can be

Ubiquitous & localised resources


*Resources which are found everywhere on the earth.

* air soil and water all are the ubiquitous resources.


Resources that are found at certain places.

These resources are unevenly distributed across the world

Copper , iron gold, diamond are the examples of localized resources.


# Stock

On the basis of the stock  resources can be

Renewable & Non Renewable

Renewable –

*Resources which can be renewed or reproduced by physical, chemical and mechanical processes

*They get renewed over a  short period of time.

*They are unlimited and are not exhausted.  

*These are further divided into continuous or flow and biological

These resources are generally available throughout the world.

Eg: water, wind , forest, wildlife, solar energy.

Non renewable –

*Resources which cannot be renewed or reproduced.

*They take millions of years to form .

*They are limited in their availability and can not

Be exhausted

*These are divided into recyclable and non recyclable.

*These resources are generally unevenly distributed on the earth.

Eg: minerals and fossil fuels.

Conservation of resources 

*Using resources carefully and giving them time to get renewed is called resource conservation.

*It is a Planned and careful utilization of resources for sustainable development.

*it means using the available resources judiciously saving and protecting them from degradation 

Preservation means protecting


Ways to conserve resources

There are many ways of conserving resources.


*We can conserve resources by reusing , recycling and reducing the consumption of resources

*We should not damage and pollute our natural resources

*all uses of renewable resources are sustainable so we should promote renewable sources of energy

We should conserve the diversity of life on the earth. plant trees forest water soil conservation

Sustainable Development


Development of resources without damaging the environment to meet the needs of present & future generations is called sustainable dev.

This promotes sustainable economic, social, environmental growth.

The three pillars of sustainable development are

1. Economic growth

2. Environmental protection

3. Social inclusion

 It is the development across all the economic , social sectors rural and urban areas.


Importance – sustainable development is important because

* if we misuse or pollute our natural resources a time would come when the world would be without resources.

*Its in everyday news as the world is coping with climate change, biodiversity loss , resource conflicts , and scarcity,

*This brings the ecological balance, development and peace and improves the quality of human life.

Some Principles of Sustainable Development


*Respect and care for all forms of life

*Improve the quality of human life

*Conserve the earth’s vitality and diversity

*Minimise the depletion of natural resources

*Change personal attitude and practices toward the environment

*Enable communities to care for their own environment

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