Civics CH-2 Secularism


VIII – Civics CH-2 Secularism  

Meaning of secularism

*Secularism refers to this separation of religion from the State.

*A secular state does not promote any religion officially as state religion.

*It does not discriminate on the grounds of religion

*The Indian Constitution allows individuals the freedom to live by their religious beliefs and practices.

* In keeping with this idea of religious freedom for all, India also adopted a strategy of separating the power of religion and the power of the State.

*Secular Country belongs to all equally.

Importance of  separation of religion  from  state.

*This is important for a country   to function democratically.

*Secularism protects the rights of minorities against the majority.

*It is essential for a democratic country because it protects the right to freedom of religion.

*It protects the citizens against the misuse of political power and financial resources by any dominant religious group.

* The fraternity and unity of a country like India could be built on the secular basis.


 Almost all countries of the world have more than one  religious group  living in them.

Secularism prevents conflicts among diverse groups.

                                                              Objectives of Indian secularism

According to Indian Constitution, our country is  a secular country.

To achieve the objectives of secularism state should ensure –


1. That one religious community does not dominate another. It is important to protect the freedom of religion which is a fundamental right.

For example when Hitler ruled Germany, he prosecuted millions of Jews claiming that they belonged to an inferior race. 

2. Members belonging to one religious community should not dominate those who are in a minority or  some members do not dominate other members of the  same  religious community.

such as Islam is divided into Sunni and Shia sects. In many Islamic countries Shias are oppressed by Sunni people. 

3. The state will never enforce any religion or take away the citizen’s religious freedom.  Such as In 2004, people were banned from wearing head scarves or turbans in public places by the French Government.

Ways to prevent religious domination

Indian government  work in different ways to prevent these kinds of dominations.

1.       The state is not ruled by any religious group.Indian government keeps itself away from religious issues. It does not support any religion.

2. Government institution can not promote any religion in any form .

Several government spaces such as police stations, offices, courts, etc. are not allowed to promote or display any religion. 

3. In India Sometimes, state intervenes in religion to sort out religious issues  or social evils like untouchability.

*Like In Hinduism, we come across cases of untouchability.

Often, we see that people of the ‘Upper Castes’ dominate those belonging to ‘lower castes’ in different ways.

*To prevent such cases, our Constitution has banned untouchability. The State intervenes in religious cases from time to time, if it finds that any social practise excludes or discriminates against those belonging to the society’s lower structure. The law immediately takes action if it finds out that fundamental rights of a citizen are being violated on the basis of religion. 

4.Sometimes  State intervenes in the religion based personal laws in order to ensure equality.

The Indian Government intervene in certain religious matters by providing them support.

*According to the Constitutions, the religious communities in India have the right to set up their own colleges and schools.

*On a non-preferential basis, the Government can also provide them financial aid. 

Secularism in USA 

*In the U.S.A. the separation between State and religion means  that neither the State

nor religion can interfere  in the affairs of one another.

*For example, in the case of the United States, the 1st Amendment’ of its Constitution doesn’t allow the legislature to make laws regarding ‘establishment of any religion’.

It means that none of them can interfere in the matters of one another .There is strict separation between the state and religion.

*In USA state does not provide financial support to religious institutions.

Secularism in India

*In Indian  secularism the State can intervene in religious affairs. Religion and state are not strictly separate they have to maintain a safe distance.

 It means that the State is allowed to interfere in the matters by taking decisions that are based on the ideals laid down by the Constitution. Indian Constitution intervened in Hindu religious practices in order to abolish untouchability .

* The Indian State  is secular and works in various way s to prevent religious domination. The Indian Constitution guarantees Fundamental Right s  that are based on  these secular principles

*Indian state provides financial support to religious institutions.


Infanticide and Secularism


*The Secular  government in any democratic nation would intervene if some religious group says that their religion allows them to practice infanticide because -

This tradition goes against the Fundamental Right to Life.

 It involves the killing of an innocent and is, hence, unacceptable.

Different views within the same religion

1. Among Muslims, many people believe in ‘Burka system’, whereas many do not approve of it & see it as interference in the freedom of women.

2.In Hinduism, some women still cover their heads under ‘Purdah’ system while some don’t.

3.In Sikhism, few men like to wear turban while others choose to cut the hair. 


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